Energy Saving Ideas

The best part of energy savings is that it combines comfort with money savings on your utility bill. The utility companies would like to reward customers with rebates and the IRS offers tax credits. For those folks whose income is less then two times the poverty rate, the renter, or the landlord, may have the opportunity for even greater savings! There are links on our link page that will allow you to explore more options.
Alpha builder can help you pocket those savings by installing a ductless heat pump, a heat pump hot water heater, energy efficient windows or ventilation that will keep it warmer inside with less pollutants and moisture.
Alpha Builder is a Certified Installer of the AirTapTM Hybrid water heater, Master Installer for Mitsubishi Ductless Mini Split Heat Pumps Systems and an ENERGY STAR Partner. AirTap and Mistubishi are just two of the many companies that offer Energy Star approved products which significantly reduce electricity consumption.